Results for 'K. P. Ramesh'

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  1.  24
    Effect of fuel on the formation structure, transport and magnetic properties of LaMnO3+δnanopowders.B. M. Nagabhushana, R. P. S. Chakradhar, K. P. Ramesh, V. Prasad, C. Shivakumara & G. T. Chandrappa - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (15):2009-2025.
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    A Copper-Plate Hoard of the Gupta Period from Bagh, Madhya Pradesh.Richard Salomon, K. V. Ramesh & S. P. Tewari - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):842.
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    Literacy improves short-term serial recall of spoken verbal but not visuospatial items – Evidence from illiterate and literate adults.Eleonore H. M. Smalle, Arnaud Szmalec, Louisa Bogaerts, Mike P. A. Page, Vaishna Narang, Deepshikha Misra, Susana Araújo, Nishant Lohagun, Ouroz Khan, Anuradha Singh, Ramesh K. Mishra & Falk Huettig - 2019 - Cognition 185 (C):144-150.
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    Towards a new philosophy: the unpublished writings of K. Satchidananda Murty.Ashok Vohra & Kotta Ramesh (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.
    K. Satchidananda Murty (1924-2011) was a vociferous writer and an iconoclast. This volume is a collection of his unpublished writings It presents Murty's unpublished keynote addresses, papers presented in seminars, and lectures which show his reflections and arguments in contrast to contemporary philosophers with regard to recent developments in philosophy. The writings reveal Murty's rejection of established theories by well-known eastern and western philosophers, as well as his arguments in their support, and present a new interpretation of their contention in (...)
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    Prof. Ramesh K. Sharma on Late Prof. K.C. Pandey’s review of book entitled J.M.E. McTaggart: Substance, Self, and Immortality: Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland, 2015. [REVIEW]Ramesh K. Sharma - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (2):209-214.
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    Meaningful Residual Function, Permanence and Brain Death.Ramesh K. Batra & Stephen R. Latham - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):269-271.
    We share Nair-Collins and Joffe's (2023) concern with the accuracy of the “whole brain-death” diagnosis, which fails to take into account current understandings of residual brain function (neurohor...
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  7. Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during conscious perception.Ramesh Srinivasan, D. P. Russell, Gerald M. Edelman & Giulio Srinivasan Tononi - 1999 - Journal of Neuroscience 19 (13):5435-5448.
  8. Self awareness and personality change in dementia.K. P. Rankin, E. Baldwin, C. Pace-Savitsky, J. H. Kramer & B. L. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 76 (5):632-639.
  9.  87
    Patient expectations of benefit from phase I clinical trials: Linguistic considerations in diagnosing a therapeutic misconception.K. P. Weinfurt, Daniel P. Sulmasy, Kevin A. Schulman & Neal J. Meropol - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (4):329-344.
    The ethical treatment of cancer patientsparticipating in clinical trials requiresthat patients are well-informed about thepotential benefits and risks associated withparticipation. When patients enrolled in phaseI clinical trials report that their chance ofbenefit is very high, this is often taken as evidence of a failure of the informed consent process. We argue, however, that some simple themes from the philosophy of language may make such a conclusion less certain. First, the patient may receive conflicting statements from multiple speakers about the expected (...)
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    Steady Hands, Heavy Hearts and the Path Forward to Moral Resilience in Organ Transplantation.Ramesh K. Batra, Stephen R. Latham & David A. Gerber - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):40-42.
    Rationing of healthcare resources is a strategy for crisis-aversion or crisis-prevention with its ethical roots in the theory of distributive justice. It exemplifies, the simplistic notion of conse...
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    Parallel Interactions Between Linguistic and Contextual Factors in Bilinguals.Ramesh K. Mishra & Seema Prasad - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    The necessity for introducing interactionist and parallelism approaches in different branches of cognitive science emerged as a reaction to classical sequential stage-based models. Functional psychological models that emphasized and explained how different components interact, dynamically producing cognitive and perceptual states, influenced multiple disciplines. Chiefly among them were experimental psycholinguistics and the many applied areas that dealt with humans’ ability to process different types of information in different contexts. Understanding how bilinguals represent and process verbal and visual input, how their neural (...)
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  12.  17
    J.M.E. Mctaggart: Substance, Self, and Immortality.Ramesh K. Sharma - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book seeks to critically expound and appraise the thoughts of the foremost British philosopher, J.M.E. McTaggart, with respect to three principal themes of his philosophy: substance, self, and immortality. Sharma draws on all of McTaggart’s major writings to provide a comprehensive exposition of his overall theory of reality.
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  13.  44
    Is Nyāya Realist or Idealist? Carrying on a Conversation Started by Daya Krishna.Ramesh K. Sharma - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (4):465-490.
    Scholarly disquisitions on Nyāya(-Vaiśeṣika) philosophy in the English language generally agree in calling it “metaphysical realism” or simply “realism.” Metaphysical realism or realism as understood in the West is the doctrine that (1) substances (particulars)/things and events exist independently of the knowing/thinking mind, and that (2) they exemplify properties/qualities and enter into relations—in short, universals—independently of the concepts by which we know them and, Nyāya would add, even of the language with which we describe them. This mind-independent world is supposed (...)
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  14.  48
    Revisiting Nāgārjuna’s Vigrahavyāvartanī.Ramesh K. Sharma - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (1):113-151.
    In this paper, I attempt a further elucidation and defense of some of the things I said in my article “Critical Reflections on Nāgārjuna’s Vigrahavyāvartanī” and a response to Professor Claus Oetke’s criticisms :371–394, 2012) of “a number of views which have been propagated” by me in my article. Although some additional issues have been raised, broadly, the themes addressed here are the same three as were the object of my investigation in that paper: namely, Nāgārjuna’s emptiness doctrine; his denial (...)
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  15. Translation: Shri Arvind Ka Shiksha Darshan.K. K. Sharma, Saroj Sobti, Ramesh Kumar Parwa, Suresh Kumar & Desh Raj Sirswal - 2010 - Ambala Cantt.: Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies.
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    Yuktidīpikā: the most important commentary on the Sāmkhyakārikā of Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa ; critically edited, with an introduction and a philosophical introduction.Ramesh K. Sharma (ed.) - 2018 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers (P).
    Study of classical commentary on Sāṅkhyakārikā of Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa, work on the fundamentals of Sankhya philosophy.
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    Diagnoz--imperii︠a︡: statʹi, pisʹma.K. P. Krizhanovskiĭ - 2014 - Kyïv: Vydavnyt︠s︡tvo "K.I.S.".
    Statʹi, razmyshlenii︠a︡, ocherki -- Pisʹma v redakt︠s︡ii -- Perepiska s chlenami Soi︠u︡za svobodomysli︠a︡shchikh -- Pisʹma k M.I. Barskoĭ -- Perepiska mezhdu K.P. Krizhanovskim i I.G. Khusidom -- Iz materialov dela K.P. Krizhanovskogo.
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  18.  38
    An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols.P. W. K. & J. C. Cooper - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):160.
  19. An evaluation of current perspectives on consciousness and pain in fishes.K. P. Chandroo, S. Yue & R. D. Moccia - 2004 - Fish and Fisheries 5:281-95.
  20. Aether as a superfluid state of particle-antiparticle pairs.K. P. Sinha, C. Sivaram & E. C. G. Sudarshan - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):65-70.
    A new model for the aether is suggested according to which it is a superfluid state of fermion and antifermion pairs, describable by a macroscopic wave function. The vacuum state of this superfluid pervades the entire universe and may account for the missing matter. The visible matter in the universe appears as excitations from the underlying superfluid vacuum.
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    Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical ethics among medical intern students in a Medical College in Kathmandu.Ramesh P. Aacharya & Yagya L. Shakya - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):1-9.
    This baseline study was conducted to find out the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical ethics among the undergraduate medical interns who did not have structured ethics curriculum in their course. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out using a self-administered structured questionnaire among the medical undergraduate interns of Maharajgunj Medical Campus, the pioneer medical college of Nepal which enrols 60 students in a year. A total of 46 interns participated in the study. The most common source of knowledge on (...)
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  22.  33
    Neural Machine Translation System for English to Indian Language Translation Using MTIL Parallel Corpus.K. P. Soman, M. Anand Kumar & B. Premjith - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 28 (3):387-398.
    Introduction of deep neural networks to the machine translation research ameliorated conventional machine translation systems in multiple ways, specifically in terms of translation quality. The ability of deep neural networks to learn a sensible representation of words is one of the major reasons for this improvement. Despite machine translation using deep neural architecture is showing state-of-the-art results in translating European languages, we cannot directly apply these algorithms in Indian languages mainly because of two reasons: unavailability of the good corpus and (...)
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  23.  33
    Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries.P. W. K., Jacques Gernet & Franciscus Verellen - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):609.
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  24.  27
    Inventing China through History: The May Fourth Approach to Historiography.P. W. K. & Q. Edward Wang - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):533.
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    The bodily presence in location-based mobile games. Part 1.K. P. Glazkov - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (3):163-196.
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  26. The superfluid as a source of all interactions.K. P. Sinha & E. C. G. Sudarshan - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (11-12):823-831.
    The superfluid state of fermion-antifermion fields developed in our previous papers is generalized to include higher orbital and spin states. In addition to single-particle excitations, the system is capable of having real and virtual bound or quasibound composite excitations which are akin to bosons of spinJ P equal to0 −, 1−, 2+, etc. These pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor bosons can be massive or massless and provide the vehicles for strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational interactions. The concept that the basic (unmanifest) (...)
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  27.  24
    Kommunar meeting in the context of open immanent education.K. P. Zakharov - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (3):180.
    The cultural modernity neoplasm, which may be called ‘open cultural and educational space‘, is described. The characteristics of this phenomenon, their importance in modern pedagogy in the mainstream open the immanent education. The comparison is made with the selected criteria of commune collecting as brightest phenomenon of practice pedagogy of general care by I. P. Ivanov. The conclusions are made not only full compliance but also a significant expansion of selected characteristics subjectivity to the side of nurturing personality.
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  28. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia.P. W. K. & Victor H. Mair - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):555.
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    Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated to Angus C. Graham.P. W. K. & Henry Rosemont - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):179.
  30. C. C. Wang: Landscape Paintings.P. W. K. & C. C. Wang - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):160.
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    Many Ways of Pluralism: Essays in Honour of Kalarikkal Poulose Aleaz.K. P. Aleaz & V. J. John (eds.) - 2009 - Ispck & Bishop's College, Kolkata.
    Papers presented at an annual inter-disciplinary seminar held to facilitate the 60th birthday of Kalarikkal Poulose Aleaz, b. 1947, theologist from Kerala, India during 20-21 September 2007.
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  32. John McConnell.K. P. Asante, S. Abdulla & S. Agnandji - 2011 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7:2.
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  33. Aktualʹnye problemy ideĭno-nravstvennogo vospitanii︠a︡ molodezhi.K. P. Buslov (ed.) - 1976
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  34. Idei gumanizma v obshchestvenno-politicheskoĭ i filosofskoĭ mysli Belorussii.K. P. Buslov (ed.) - 1977
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  35. Voprosy istoricheskogo materializma.K. P. Buslov - 1953
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    Late Dr. (Mrs.) Dhanalakshmi De Sousa.K. P. Dave - 2006 - Mens Sana Monographs 4 (1):213.
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  37. Service Engineering–Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zum Stand der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft in Deutschland.K. P. Fähnrich, T. Meiren, T. Barth, A. Hertweck, M. Baumeister, L. Demuß, B. Gaiser & K. Zerr - forthcoming - Irb: Stuttgart.
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    Performance in eyelid conditioning following interpolated presentations of the UCS.K. P. Goodrich, L. E. Ross & A. R. Wagner - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (3):214.
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    Supplementary report: Effect of interpolated UCS trials in eyelid conditioning without a ready signal.K. P. Goodrich, L. E. Ross & A. R. Wagner - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (4):319.
  40. Współczesność jako społeczno-czasowa wielowarstwowość historii.K. P. Greczko - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 77 (2):96-116.
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  41. Protases-Category versus Fact.K. P. Harrington - 1911 - Classical Weekly 5:114-117.
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  42. The Latinity Fetish.K. P. Harrington - 1907 - Classical Weekly 1:138.
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  43. Der kommunistische Gedanke in der Philosophie, Leipzig 1923.K. P. Hasse - 1925 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 3 (1):113-114.
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  44. Marsilius, Ficinus, Ueber die Liebe oder Platons Gastmahl. Uebers.K. P. Hasse - 1918 - Kant Studien 22:152.
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  45. Reproducibility of pain measured by patients with rheumatoid arthritis using visual analogue scales.K. P. Hinchcliffe, Surrall Ke & J. S. Dixon - 1985 - In D. M. Burley & Theodore Barker Binns, Pharmaceutical medicine. Baltimore, Md., U.S.A.: E. Arnold. pp. 1--99.
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    Analecta Hafniensia: 25 Years of East Asian Studies in Copenhagen.P. W. K. & Leif Littrup - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):180.
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    A Photographer in Old Peking.P. W. K. & Hedda Morrison - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):162.
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    Boundaries in China.P. W. K. & John Hay - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):610.
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    (2 other versions)China and Europe: Yearbook 86.P. W. K. - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):162.
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    China Bibliography: A Research Guide to Reference Works about China Past and Present.P. W. K. & Harriet T. Zurndorfer - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):608.
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